Twinks House
Friday, March 16, 2007

posted by twink at 8:09 AM

My mind, my views, my activities, my friends...welcome home!
PATHETIC ATTEMPT AT HNT GREEN TEA Thanks!!! "Wasting Away Again In Margaritaville...." Looking For a Come Back This is how I feel about my blog late... Hello........Is anyone here? My master has forgott... Girl you are workin' too hard......... Oh jeez, I did not know it would be that tiny!!! ... SLACKER
You have to be a "little" Irish...after all you are a drunk!!!
I think you drink until your green...haha
You are a funny one..and yes, you are probably right. Somewhere in me is some green. All the alcohal intake since prior to the age of 21 till now has made me such :)
Erin go Bragh!!!!
Hi Twink
Jillie sent me over to see your return to blogging and I'm liking it already.
Keep it up you will have such a laugh!
I really don't mind if you're green, I'm going to keep coming back to check on you ok?
Visit mine whenever you can.
Take care
It's amature weekend. Be careful out there.
Ebezp -= thanks for coming over. Isn't Jillie just fabulous!!! Thanks for all the positive comments and I will definitely swing by your blog. Have a great weekend!!
Jon - I will! Thanks :) and I hope you have a great and safe weekend too.
hey girl, how are you feeling after your green celebrations?
Hey slacker...come on, let's wake up over here!
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